Italian Opera Singer

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Riccardo Costanzo Tenor

Riccardo Costanzo was born into a musical family of a long line of musicians.
He began singing at an early age.
His vocal teachers throughout the years, have recognized the rich and powerful velvet quality his voice possessed. As a result, they enthusiastically granted him, free lessons.
This trend became a well- known trademark of his early and middle career. During Secondary School he was heavily involved in acting which won him many awards.
At 17, Riccardo auditioned and was accepted into Opera Hamilton. Here he discovers the magic of opera. From this point on he knows his destiny is tied to the performing arts. Consequently, he enrolls in McMaster University studying voice, musicology and classics. Upon graduation, he was called for post graduate studies in voice and opera production, in Italy.
Although already in great demand, Riccardo was advised by the great tenor Luciano Pavarotti to hold back until his vocal artistry had solidified. In doing so, he was able to strengthen his voice for the more demanding tenor spinto roles.
Since then, Riccardo’s career has been filled with performances in many of the world’s most cherished theatres and has appeared on countless television and radio programs. Although his operatic and concert performances are the hallmark of his career, Riccardo is also a renowned voice teacher, conductor and has worked in film.

Riccardo believes his mission is: To promote the world’s beautiful music through his voice.